Sunday, May 27, 2012

I have a bit of catching up to do today. My apologies for skipping yesterday.

We spent the day at the Reserve and at the Casitas in Oxcutzcab. I encourage you to check out the facilities, projects and possibilities at "Millsaps South." There are some amazing things going on down here that work across academic disciplines. In the future, we will be looking for ways to integrate COMM students in media-related projects and research. 


Last night, students presented their photo essays. In a word -- brilliant. I was amazed that these students put together such thoughtful work under challenging technological and logistical conditions. I hope to post the essays or links to the essays soon. Until then, you'll just have to take my word for it -- brilliant! 

The discussion after each presentation was thoughtful and constructive. All in all, this was a powerful moment -- at least for this professor, but I think for the entire class. 


We transferred back to Puerto Morelos today -- the place where we began. When we rolled into town, this quiet fishing village had transformed into a bustling tourist spot -- blaring music, traffic, and crowds. It's as if Cancun had expanded 20 miles in two weeks. There's a fishing tournament in town, and it is quite a party.

I wonder if the residents in this town will remember us and note how much we have changed also. Have we transformed like the place has?


I like ending a trip where it began. Doing so allows us to take a new perspective on a familiar place -- a perspective that has been shaped by two weeks of powerful experiences, of conversation, of building relationships, of reading, studying and discussing tourism. 

Tonight, we mingle in the city. Tomorrow, we visit the contradictions of Cancun and have our last class on the beaches of Puerto Morelos. We are winding down, preparing to return home.

Hasta luego...

Until then, enjoy these photos from Uxmal.

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